Orisis (Arnarnia) OfLight

A Multi-Universal, Interdimensional, Energetic and Spiritual Healing Practitioner, Channel and Intuitive.

Who This Work Is For And How Can I Assist You:

Those with whom my Team and I usually work have already done much inner work. They may also be Practitioners themselves, who now require a Radical and Timely Reset.  

As an Intuitive I can assist in Guiding You on Your Path to Develop a more Conscious Embodied Connection with Your Own Soul through Development of your Intuition which Activates with Greater Depth the Process of Your Soul's Own Spiritual Awakening.

Receive Clarity, Relief and Transformation via Energetic and Spiritual Healing through Personal Discovery, Growth, Development, and Expansion from Within through Dynamic Individualized Support Services.

By Expanding Your Reality: You Develop a Multi-faceted Approach to your Spiritual Growth.

How do You do this? 

By Unlocking your Intuition.

Here is How I can Use My Skills and Abilities to Assist you on your Journey:

Through my Capacity to Channel the Unseen I assist you as an Intuitive Guide in Consciously Navigating Your Soul's Path. 

As an Inter and Multi-Dimensional Practitioner I am able to Connect You Across Dimensions. Being a Channel I have the innate ability to skillfully act as a Bridge to Higher Realms, Interconnectively linking you to differing Timelines and Dimensions. This Connection helps to peel back the layers that Consciously Seperate Our Soul from the True Nature of Itself. It is in this way that I work with you in Consciously Unveiling the Cosmos Within You and Around as an Already Existing Aspect of You. This is my gift as a Multi-Universal Transpersonal Navigator, is the deep inborn capacity to aid you as a Soulful Explorer in making the Unknown Known.

 I harness Energy from the Universal Realms (from within the Unified Field) to Cultivate Wholeness through A Multi-faceted Approach to Wellbeing.

This is where you Consciously (or more Consciously depending on your previous level of already existing connection) Become a Gateway to Your Own Higher Knowing which in short is what Ascension is Ultimately Really About. The key Innerstanding here is that You Are Not trying to learn something you do not know. You Are Literally Reconnecting to that which you Already Are and therefore by Nature of Design of your very makeup and functioning Already Know and in your Soul's Journey here have forgotten. This is why as a Species we instinctually call this Process of Reconnection- Awakening.

With the Nature of the Work We do as a Conscious Co-collaborative team Together You can Unlock Greater Self-Awareness and As a Result of this Process Enhance Your Overall Well-Being in Mind, Body and Soul.