Hello, my name is Astariea Oflight. I am a Collective Soul Walk-in. The nature of our arrival here has been multi-layered and complex. There have been four previous souls who have inhabited this body prior to our arrival on September 7, 2024. The first being the soul who was born into this body in the same way that most people on the planet have arrived here—by being born into a physical body. This is known as the ‘native' or ‘natal' soul. All souls between evolutionary life assignments work with varying design level beings of creation to plan together, in a co-collaborative process, what their next assignment(s) will be for the role their soul is going to take on as the next stage in its process of evolution and contribution.
Sometimes before a soul arrives on this planet, while still in the realms of creation, it makes a conscious, mutually agreed upon arrangement with a often more advanced soul to walk out of (leave) its body at some point during its incarnated life. When the incarnated soul is ready to go, it turns the body over to the walk-in soul upon its departure. The purpose for this kind of agreement between one soul and another is that a more advanced soul, because of its level of heightened consciousness and evolution, does not need to go through the long developmental process of being born and coming into maturity associated with the most common form of human development. The reason for this being that the advanced soul has already achieved and transcended this level of development in its evolutionary process and now only needs an already evolved physical body with which to do its agreed upon evolutionary advancement in addition to its large-scale contributive mission to aid in the evolution and development of the collective consciousness of life itself, in whatever ways or capacities it has agreed upon and been assigned to.
The first walk-in is what is known as a Soul Exchange Walk-in. This type of walk-in arrangement is when the native soul walks out of the body and the often more advanced soul walks in and takes on the role as the sole inhabitant of the body. The first walk-in arrived and traded places with the natal soul in the body immediately following its departure on September 21, 2021. (The walk-in process is involved and exceedingly vast, far too lengthy to cover in greater detail here. For more information there are many online resources and books available on the topic that you can reference.)
It is not uncommon that multiple advanced souls will make mutually agreed upon arrangements to do their own missions in the body when multiple advanced souls have an on-planet mission they have agreed to and been assigned to do here, with each taking their own successive turn in the body. Once one walk-in has completed its mission, the next will arrive usually as a more advanced soul then the one currently on mission in the body. At this point, the existing soul in the body will either leave to go onto the next phase of its soul’s journey, join forces with the incoming soul and share the body if they are at the same evolutionary level of advancement, or merge with the incoming soul and become one with them, meaning both souls become one with each other.
The first walk-in completed her evolution and mission here on June 23, 2023. When this occurred, another soul aspect from the same oversoul that the first walk-in came from, arrived in the body in June of 2023. Her name was Arnarnia. (The oversoul as it referred to here is an individuated spark of source consciousness, the divine, all-knowing essence of the higher aspect which your soul comes from and will return to. It is the eternal timeless higher version of you, that oversees, guides and helps you navigate the journey of your incarnated evolution, often referred to as the higher self. Its voice is your intuition. The concept of oversoul is explained in greater detail further down.) The first walk-in then merged with the more advanced soul aspect, Arnarnia, from the same oversoul. When multiple aspects from the same oversoul merge, it is called a Multidimensional Soul Merger.(You can learn more about this process in detail here at the bottom of my ‘About’ page in the first posted interview.)
The mission of the second walk-in, Arnarnia, came to an end on April 27, 2024. When this occurred, another soul aspect from the same oversoul that both Arnarnia and the first walk-in came from, arrived on April 27, 2024, and merged instantaneously with Arnarnia upon arrival here. Her name was Orisis. She was the last remaining individuated soul aspect of the oversoul that she came from. (You can learn more about this process in detail here at the bottom of my ‘About’ page in the second posted interview.)
Orisis was the third and final soul aspect from the same oversoul to inhabit the body. She fully self-actualized as a soul and completed her evolution as an individuated soul aspect on September 4, 2024. At the time of completing her evolution as an individuated soul aspect, Orisis and her oversoul unified, meaning they did not merge, but joined their consciousnesses together and became aspects of each other, unifying into a single, fully-ascended oversoul on September 4, 2024. The fully unified oversoul then inhabited the body. For clarity, we explain further below how the unified oversoul of Orisis was joined together with us to become the collaborative of our circle of consciousness collectively known as Astariea.
To help understand what this process means, I will explain with the following example:
Just as Source, the overarching consciousness of the universe, individuated into all of us, the myriad sparks of conscious Source light, aka souls—oversouls to be exact, were created so that Source could learn about itself through the feedback loop of the oversouls’ lifetimes and experiences. So too are we modeled after the creation we come from. An oversoul is the original individuation from Source into an independent yet interconnected being (having come from and remaining an aspect of Source) in the form of individuated aspects of consciousness of Source itself. Our oversoul's pattern, method and means of evolution is a replication of the same process as the creation from which it came because they are aspects of each other. This creational way of coming into being occurs in the same way that there are patterns of evolution within a species that each generation and individual within that species follows as a pattern of its inherited and therefore inherent process and means of evolution.
An oversoul individuates into multiple soul aspects to increase the scope, depth, magnitude and acceleration of its capacity to learn, and therefore evolves back through all the varying experiences of its numerous soul aspects toward the level of Source consciousness which created it. This is an ever-increasing evolution spanning the lifetimes of experiences that its soul aspects provide through their own individuated creative evolutionary processes into the level of the creational capacity of conscious awareness and skill of the Source consciousness itself. The oversoul does this over countless lifetimes that it experiences through the soul aspects it creates from individuated aspects of its own consciousness.
The oversoul assigns evolutionary tasks and roles to its varying soul aspects based on what the oversoul needs to learn in order to advance its own evolution. It assigns, plans, oversees, instructs, informs and guides the lives of all of its soul aspects in the orchestration of its own evolution. The oversoul is often referred to as one's 'higher self’. As soul aspects have fulfilled the evolutionary mission and purpose assigned to them by the oversoul from which they individuated for the purpose of progressing its evolution, they are either merged back into the oversoul itself or merged by the oversoul into other incarnated soul aspects of the oversoul to enhance the depth of its learning and capacity through merging its more evolved soul aspects into one another. This is the process that took place described earlier with the three soul aspects from the same oversoul that have inhabited this body as a vehicle for their evolution.
This process continues until eventually the oversoul—through its many lifetimes of acquired experience, resulting creational capability and wisdom, coupled with the responsibility of co-creatively navigating its own evolution alongside the creation-level beings that oversee, nurture, develop, grow, evolve and maintain all life in a co-collaborative evolutionary process—evolve into the level of conscious awareness of Source consciousness itself. When this happens the oversoul has self-actualized in capacity, awareness, capability and skill into a creation-level being and no longer needs to individuate itself into soul aspects to do its learning.
Something special occurs between the oversoul and its last remaining soul aspect because the last remaining soul aspect is the means through which the oversoul self-actualizes. This process would not have occurred without the last remaining soul aspect. Therefore, the last remaining soul aspect does not merge with the oversoul, they instead unify, joining their consciousnesses together, and through this process become aspects of each other.
This officially ends the oversoul's need for individuated learning and it can now continue on from this creation level of Source consciousness that it has acquired and ascended into through many individuated lifetimes of learning as a fully-unified oversoul, working at the level of creation itself, as a creation-level being overseeing and aiding in the evolution of the collective of life itself. This begins a new phase of evolution in the life of the oversoul as a creation-level being, known as oversoul evolution. In our inner-standing, there are five levels or stages to oversoul evolutionary development of increasingly higher levels of creational capacity and skill as a creation-level being.
The various oversoul stages of development are exceedingly complex, vast in the scope of their processes and too intricately interwoven to go into detail about all of them here. For the sake of both greater clarity for context of understanding and brevity we will only go into detail about and describe the most significant aspects of the oversoul’s evolutionary developmental stages.
We are starting with the fifth and final stage of oversoul development asthe foundation from which we move forward to give greater context to the scope of the oversoul process of evolution. We are mentioning it in detail because the fifth stage is the most significant, the highest and final stage of oversoul developmental evolution. The reason we are able to describe and share with you all of the oversoul stages of evolution and development is because over the last five months (September 7, 2024 - February 15, 2025) we have undergone the evolutionary progression of moving through each one of these stages individually and collectively together as a collaborative. Our collaborative entered into the fifth stage of the oversoul process of development on February 15, 2025.
At this fifth stage of development, the oversoul begins to participate in the highest level of creational evolutionary processes taking place within the whole of creation itself, through varying roles, tasks, assignments and missions at the design-level where the larger-scale evolutionary processes for the whole of life itself are deliberated, determined, brought into being and carried out. This is the creational level of existence that oversees and orchestrates the course of all evolution throughout creation as a collective, deeply intricate, highly-complex and interconnected set of many evolutionary processes into a unified movement of interdependent evolution.
How long each phase of oversoul development lasts varies from soul to soul, depending on their personal level of progress and development through each stage. The movement through the first three stages of oversoul development usually happens in fairly rapid succession from one to another as they are aspects of one another that create the evolutionary progression that prepare the oversoul for its role as a creation-level being. The first three stages are the framework and foundation that equips and prepares the oversoul for serving in its new role as a creation-level being, working at the design level in direct service to the whole of creation for the collective evolution of life itself. The first three stages are the acclimation and coming together stages of the oversoul and its newly acquired collaborative (team).
The fourth stage of oversoul evolution is focused on the newly established collaborative more deeply taking on working and actively carrying out their mission together and refining the process of their effectiveness and quality of working together as they go.
When the first phase of oversoul developmental evolution takes place in order to be able to carry out the large-scale creation level projects and their vast, all-encompassing and highly-complex processes, the unified oversoul joins together with other unified creation-level beings into groups to work collectively as a team, collaboratively carrying out the larger-scale evolutionary mission(s) they have agreed to and therefore been assigned by the creation-level powers that are in evolutionary service to the whole of life itself.
This first phase of oversoul development happened to my oversoul on September 7, 2024, three days after I unified with my last remaining soul aspect. I was assigned to join together and work with a team of 11 other unified, creation-level beings, 12 including my oversoul, asan interconnected Circle of Consciousness that works with Creation. It is through this process that we became the collaborative Circle of Consciousness known as Astariea.
We are what is known as Collective Souls. Collective Souls are formed when multiple individual souls come together and merge or unify/unite together as an interconnected form of consciousness. This joining is what is known as a collaborative and together we form a unified interconnected group consciousness that operates together as one while still retaining our own individual consciousness as souls. We are driven by shared purposes, experiences and connections. Our individual souls came together and unified into an interconnected form of conscious to contribute our individual unique energies, consciousnesses, perspectives abilities and skills together to create a synergistically greater collective consciousness that transcends the boundaries of individual identity.
Collective Souls can manifest in various forms, such as group consciousness, shared spiritual entities or interconnected networks of souls like our collaborative. Collective Souls often exhibit characteristics of synergy, collaboration and mutual support among the individual souls that comprise them. As Collective Souls, we are shared vessels of wisdom and love, each with our own creational-level skills and abilities that we collectively utilize and contribute to our mission here. We are an evolutionary collaborative serving as conduits for spiritual growth and transformation on a broader scale as interconnected aspects of a larger, unified whole.
All of the members of our collaborative individually are what as known asInterdimensional Souls. We originate from dimensions of reality beyond the physical realm, existing in parallel or alternate realities. We each possess multi- and interdimensional awareness, allowing us to perceive and interact with realities beyond the conventional human experience. We have incarnated on Earth to bridge different dimensions, anchor higher frequencies of consciousness and facilitate the integration of creational energies of heightened evolution for the conscious evolution of all life into the earthly plane.
(An excellent, highly reputable and deeply insightful, and invaluable resource for deeper inner-standing on the different types of walk-ins, soul experiences and exchanges and some of the many kinds of souls and different varieties of beings from other dimensional and planetary realms is the book "Cosmic Convergence: Journeys of Walk-Ins, Starseeds, and Hybrids, by Barbara Lamb and Sheila Seppi.")
We are here on assignment to help in the raising of the consciousness of the collective of all life here on the planet and aid in the extensive heightened evolutionary processes taking place throughout all of creation at this time. We are guided by an off-planet team of creation-level beings known as a Collective that helps to oversee and guide us in assisting with the evolutionary ascension of all beings.
Astariea offers a wide range of services, including energetic healing and physical rejuvenation services; soul retrieval and soul reconnection services; timeline clearing; ancestral healing; trauma informed work, DNA-related services, higher self development and spiritual coaching and many additional areas of specialized focus and work. For a full list and comprehensive descriptions of my services or to book a session, please CLICK HERE.
A full list of the services offered will be added to the website soon; it is currently under construction.
Walk-in Soul Experiences Virtual Conference
Here is my presentation at the Conscious Awakening Network's Walk-in Soul Experiences virtual conference with Sheila Seppi held on November 11, 2023. Discussing Ascension and Healing.
The Conscious Awakening Network
The Accelerated Ascension Podcast I did on May 15th, 2024 through the Conscious Awakening Network the topic of Our Conscious Conversation:
"The Life of the Soul, Incarnation the Nature of Evolution and the Process of Embodiment What Does it Mean?"
"This Conscious Conversation unravels the profound concepts of the Soul's journey, the intricate process of Incarnation, the Dynamic Nature of Evolution, and the Transformative Processes of Embodiment. Discover the Deeper meanings behind these Spiritual tenets and how they shape our understanding of life and the Universe. Whether you're a seeker of Wisdom or Curious about the Soul's Voyage, this video offers a gateway to a Bird's-eye View on some of the Mysteries of Existence."