Meet Orisis (Arnarnia) OfLight

Hello my name is  Orisis (Arnarnia) Oflight. I consider myself to be a practitioner for these new times.

 I aid people in Healing the Root Cause of whatever is showing up in their Life at a Mental, Emotional, Psychological, Spiritual, Energetic, Physical, and, or Physiological Level or any combination of these to bring Healing, Awakening, Growth, Expansion, and Ascension Level work at Levels of the Mind, The Body and the Soul.

"The Intensity of these Pivotal Times demands Deep, Structurally Transformative Work. It requires that we go back to the Very Origin of the distortion in our Energetic Field with Precision, Integrity, Care and Deep, All-seeing Presence."

Those who find both Myself and my Team, (my off Planet Collective helping to guide and oversee my Mission here) do so because they are most often seeking answers to Core Soul Level questions within their Being, for Clarity in order to help bring Deeper Awareness and Resolution oriented action to Core Level rift/s, disconnections and, or actual separation from the Nature of their Being to bridge any felt sense of disempowerment and to work at the Foundational Soul Level on any reoccurring issues, patterns, blockages and, or wounds still lingering despite having already done much work on the issues and, or conditions at hand. 
The Individuals with whom I work are most often seeking to bring back and or reconnect to any and all parts of themselves which they have been separated and, or disconnected from across all lifetimes, timelines and the dimensions they exist in to bring forth those parts of themselves that are needed now for the next Level of Evolution and Growth of Their Own Being.

They want to know with Clarity, Who they Are, Where They Come from and Why They Are Here Now.

I Hone into and Work Directly at the Level of Unified Field Itself, this enables me to bring the full Conscious Presence of Each Person I am working with into the Unified Field with me. It is through this Guided Assistance and the Holding of Deep Resonant Universal Presence of Awareness that others are able to literally lead themselves Consciously Home to the Nature of The Innate Wisdom of Their Own Higher Intelligence as an established ever increasing ongoing way of Being within their Embodied Daily Life.

 The purpose and effects of my work is not to 'fix" you or what is presenting itself for you in your Life, rather it is to aid in a parting the clouds with A Soulful Intentional Conscious Precision of Being, so that you can clearly see what needs to be done. Enabling you to Intentionally Choose as a Conscious Co-Creative, Co- Collaborator What you Will Do Alongside the Forces that Govern Life Itself as a Sovereign Self-Evolving Being directly overseeing your Soul's own Growth and Ascension Processes.

I work at the Foundational Levels of the Templates and Blueprints of Creation from which the Very Nature of our Soul and Bodies are constructed. Working at these Foundational Levels ensures that the work being done is at the all-inclusive Holistic Levels of the Mind, the Body and the Soul as an interconnected Fluidly Dynamic Processes of Being for the Deepest Work, Awareness, Resolution/Release, Integrative Growth and Expansion Possible.

A Further Note About the Sessions Themselves and What they Entail: 

Those who come to me have already done much inner work, they may also be Practitioners themselves, Who Now Require a Radical and Timely Reset. 

As this is Deep and Catalytic work, it is advised that you prepare for the sessions with any questions you might have and ensure there is ample time after the session to Rest and Integrate. Profound Change requires uninterrupted quiet time and space after the session so that the work that has been done has time to truly land within the Conscious Embodiment of your Soul, and your Energetic and Physical Being for the Most Beneficial Effects.

Walk-in Soul Experiences Virtual Conference

Here is my presentation at the Conscious Awakening Network's Walk-in Soul Experiences virtual conference with Sheila Seppi held on November 11, 2023. Discussing Ascension and Healing.

The Conscious Awakening Network

The Accelerated Ascension Podcast I did on May 15th, 2024 through the Conscious Awakening Network the topic of Our Conscious Conversation:
"The Life of the Soul, Incarnation the Nature of Evolution and the Process of Embodiment What Does it Mean?"

"This Conscious Conversation unravels the profound concepts of the Soul's journey, the intricate process of Incarnation, the Dynamic Nature of Evolution, and the Transformative Processes of Embodiment. Discover the Deeper meanings behind these Spiritual tenets and how they shape our understanding of life and the Universe. Whether you're a seeker of Wisdom or Curious about the Soul's Voyage, this video offers a gateway to a Bird's-eye View on some of the Mysteries of Existence."