How Orisis (Arnarnia) Has Helped Others

Orisis (Arnarnia) aids people to address the Root Cause of whatever is showing up in their Life at a Mental, Emotional, Psychological, Spiritual, Energetic, Physical, and, or Physiological Level or any combination of these to bring Healing, Awakening, Growth, Expansion, and Ascension Level work for the Mind, The Body and the Soul. This is how the work has impacted and enhanced others.


I cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible spiritual work that Arnarnia OfLight has done for me. From the moment I met her, I knew that she was a special and gifted individual. Her energy and presence radiate love, compassion, and wisdom.

Arnarnia has a unique ability to connect with the spiritual realm and bring forth messages and guidance that have truly transformed our lives. She has helped me navigate through difficult times, heal past traumas, and find inner peace and clarity. Her insights and intuitive abilities are truly remarkable and have brought me so much comfort and understanding.

I am forever grateful for the profound impact that Arnarnia has had on my life. She is not only a gifted spiritual healer, but also a kind and compassionate soul who genuinely cares for her clients. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking spiritual guidance and transformation. Thank you, Arnarnia, for all that you have done for me. You are truly a blessing.


I cannot express enough gratitude for the inner and spiritual healing work that Arnarnia OfLight has done for me. Before working with her, I was struggling with deep emotional wounds and feeling lost in my spiritual journey. But through her guidance and support, I have experienced a profound transformation.

Arnarnia's gentle and compassionate approach created a safe space for me to open up and explore my inner world. She helped me to identify and release old patterns and beliefs that were holding me back from living a fulfilling life. Her intuitive insights and powerful healing techniques allowed me to heal on a deep level and find inner peace.

Not only did Arnarnia help me heal emotionally, but she also guided me on my spiritual path. She introduced me to new practices and perspectives that have expanded my understanding and connection to the universe. I now feel more aligned with my true self and have a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in my life.

I am forever grateful for Arnarnia's wisdom, guidance, and unwavering support. She has truly helped me to heal and grow in ways I never thought possible. I highly recommend her services to anyone who is seeking inner and spiritual healing. Thank you, Arnarnia, for your incredible work and for being a guiding light on my journey.


If you have found your way to Arnarnia, please stop and consider the perfection of divine guidance, because I think it’s fair to say that your soul was led to connect, or reconnect, with hers. 

This was the experience of my meeting, and the divinity of what unfolded was a clear testament to a greater plan in action.

After our initial meeting, we had many insightful conversations where she helped me begin to comprehend what our work would encompass - at least as she understood it in those moments. That last bit is important, as she is incredibly present to being with what presents in any given moment, and is in no way fixed to any sort of regimented “plan” or way of working, and I experienced this as her deep connection to clear, universal guidance. 

Arnarnia has a profoundly intuitive way of working, and she has access to realms of information that were/are, at times, difficult for me to understand intellectually, and yet are completely and totally in resonance with my energetic state of being and my deep inner knowing.

Our work together was lengthy, and I won’t attempt to articulate all that happened, but I will summarize by saying that an imperative and integral part of my soul was reconnected into my current incarnate being. This was a final piece that up until now, I had only been partially aware I had been waiting for, and yet on some subconscious level, I absolutely knew, and was not only ready, but willing and able to receive her assistance in guiding me back to my own fullness of being.

This work enabled a profound and full reconnection of self, an anchoring of new energetic codes, a new perception, and a deep clarity of bigger purpose. I was immediately changed in a profound way, and now that the work has had a chance to integrate, I see this with even more clarity.

Working with energy and higher realms myself, I absolutely heed my own advice, which is to say - you don’t need to understand any of it intellectually. If you feel the call and were somehow led to Arnarnia, follow that call… it’s your soul guiding you.

You are in divine hands, and with her clarity, presence and integrity, you will be guided where you need to go on the deepest possible level.

My experience with Arnaria of Light is beyond my own words and needs to be experienced to understand the depth of the incredible work she does. I only work with lightworkers who have a bi-directional communication directly to the higher dimensions. The sessions I have had with her are intense and with pin-point precision it boggles the mind. As a soul walkin I have 13 soul aspects with me. She was able to communicate individually with each of my 13 soul aspects and guide them into the physical anchoring in my body with grace and ease. Additionally, she was instrumental in the merging of all 13 and my higher self into a single collective in my body.
She is one of only a handful of talented souls I trust to work on me. 
Arnarnia is truly remarkable—even the sound of her voice helps shift my energies. I find that her voice resonates a frequency that immediately brings peace and joy, with the depth of an energy that reminds me of a truth long-forgotten. Sometimes it feels as though Arnarnia's delivering the unconditional love of Source itself!
I have had Soul Reconnection Technique and past-life healing and recall sessions with her that have been profoundly impactful on my conscious connection with my soul and my ability to be aware of and follow what is in greater alignment with my divine self. Arnarnia simply cuts to the chase, and does so with the utmost compassion and integrity, teaching me and guiding me towards an expanded consciousness that has helped me be in a more constant state of grace and gratitude. 
Thank you, Arnarnia, I am forever grateful!
Arnarnia has had a very deep impact on my life. She is a beautiful gift to humanity. The work she has done for me is profound. Arnarnia has an incredible capacity to hold space, and has carried me to the depths of my own Being, with grace and non judgement. Physical symptoms I have experienced for many years have dissolved.
She has assisted me in bringing my soul parts back to me in such a powerful way. 
Working with Arnarnia, there was no set program to follow, nor set of Spiritual techniques. She taps into what is needed, and each session can be vastly different. There is no one size fits all approach. Her skills and abilities are Divine. Her work is very transformative and I feel so blessed to be able to have crossed paths with her.
Arnarnia of Light is an amazing being.  
Arnarnia creates a powerful energetic safe space to work together and feel into channeled messages from the higher dimensions within the Unified Field.
Arnarnia communicates with power and authority overlayed with good humour, compassion and humility.
We connected with resonance and frequency. She was able to assist me deal with and clear past life trauma. She helped me see into my reason for my be-ing, in this time, my Soul’s purpose.
Arnarnia helped me integrate and anchor into my body my eight soul aspects in a transformational session with ease and grace. Arnarnia was quick to follow up which I believe is a hallmark of genuine integrity and intension.
I highly recommend a session with Arnarnia to feel into your untapped potential, to clear, to heal, to see, to believe.